Thank you for wanting to start a business/orgnization in our city.
There are a few important required items and things to take note of. We reserve the right to approve or to deny your SOP at any time.
Seondly, we are volunteers, and do not do this full time, sometimes there can be a bit of a wait for the process to be completed.
Please be patient. If you have any questions, please ask in your ticket.
Please Note, we do NOT permit the use of stolen/leaked content. Please make sure that the content you want to use is not stolen or leaked. Also, please make sure that all content meets Twitch and Cfxre/Rockstar TOS.
We will not use server money on your SOP, that is your responsibility. You are responsible to find all assets needed for your SOP. Please do not open a SOP and expect that we will purchase these items for you. Next, please wait before buying assets. We will need to review all assets PRIOR to them being purchased. If we approve all items and have fully reviewd them, then you may move forward with purchasing them.
PLEASE NOTE, not all items or scripts will work with the server. If you do buy a script and it does not work, then the server will NOT remburse you for that cost. Buy assets at your own risk.
SPECIAL NOTE, we will not provide special treatment for anyone. We want to keep this process fair for all. I dont care how many people you have in your group, everyone will be treated the same, regardless. -Ward and Ley
SOP's need to have a completed template with the ticket. Please make sure to either add a link to the completed template or attach a pdf file with the template in it. Failure to do so, will result in your ticket being closed.
Link to Template: